When to consider mold testing?

In case you don’t know what mold is, it can be classified under the fungi kingdom and is a living organism which feeds and grows on dead and decaying organic matter with the help of suitable amount of moisture. It gives out a moldy smell and causes various symptoms which prove to be very harmful for humans. Molds can be recognized very easily upon visual appearance as they have a black color and look very strange and bad. Molds grow on places with high amount of water content. These places can either be near a leakage or be in any dark corner of the house where sunlight does not reach.

In case your house has rusted pipes which are not that old or a lot of precipitation on the window panes and other places then there is a high amount of moisture content present inside your house. This moisture content can be a cause for the mold to grow and cause many other problems. This excessive moisture can be dealt with by using a dehumidifier which removes extra moisture from the air and makes it less humid. The molds require a minimum amount of about 55% humidity before they can start to develop. In case there has been a recent water leakage or a leakage at some unknown place then also you are at high risk of being affected by the molds. Usually under the sinks there is leakage, here sunlight can also not reach with ease in such places, mold begins to form and grow.

In a scenario where there was a flood in the recent past, the chances of mold growing increase drastically. The floods cause the molds to grow in the basement and places which have been left untouched after the flood. Floods may also result in the formation of molds beyond the visible capability such as behind walls or under the floors. The molds growing at such places can lead to various severe conditions if left untreated.

If you notice any such symptoms of mold growing inside your house such as the presence of a moldy odor or allergic reactions to unknown compounds then it is highly recommended for you to seek expert help. In case you live in Boston, then this agency will certainly help you in eradicating the entire mold and its related problems after an inspection of your house.